Frugalware 0.3pre1-x86_64 disponible

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the x86_64 port of Frugalware 0.3pre1.

Frugalware 0.3pre1-x86_64 is a native 64-bit system, which means we don’t use multilib. (For example because of this, you have to use our gplflash package instead of the usual flashplugin.)

What works?

  • base system :-)
  • the graphical system’s core
  • desktop environments: KDE, Xfce and GNOME

What does not work currently?

  • (we are working on it and we have promising results)
  • I18n: Firefox, Thunderbird, KOffice

If you can, please test it. If you find a bug, report to us. Please include as many details as possible in the bugreport! Thank you.

Important: You will need an AMD64 CPU to use 0.3pre1-x86_64! (Intel processors with EM64T extensions might work as well, but those are untested.)

Download: netinstall (17M), cd1 (495M), cd2 (578M), dvd (1.7G)


78f35ff5a9389930781e626f91124637 frugalware-0.3pre1-x86_64-cd1.iso

ed6ff1bc5033a715041a1b00b382a113 frugalware-0.3pre1-x86_64-cd2.iso

4dd5391696395caa67206dc56cedf3ac frugalware-0.3pre1-x86_64-dvd.iso

3b9a75ec84c21af53e14cd2f500d318c frugalware-0.3pre1-x86_64-net.iso