Frugalware 0.4 for i686 and x86_64 released
El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.4 for the i686 and x86_64 architectures, our fourth stable release.
A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.4rc2-i686:
- Update to Linux 2.6.16
- Update to GNOME 2.14
- Update to
- Lots of minor bugfixes
- Create a howto about upgrading from the previous stable release
A few statistics since 0.3:
- 4186 changes
- 732 new packages
- 302 fixed bugs
For who haven’t followed the changes in the pre/rc releases, the most important changes:
- Implemented fwcpan, a new tool to install any cpan module, just like it would when you install it with pacman.
- Split OpenOffice, now all language packs and dictionaries can be installed/removed separately.
- Libificated pacman to meet our needs, and the newborn pacman 3 has become the default package manager.
- Network configuration has been redesigned, now we support various network profiles, and many more network parameters (hardware address, multiple ip addresses on a single interface, etc) than before.
- Created a new, more verbose documentation.
- Switched to udev as the default hotplug multiplexer.
- Bugfix: now automounting for usb sticks works fine, not only for CDs or DVDs.
- Added package splitting support.
- Started to work on a PPC port.
- Rewritten setup from scratch in C. The new framework will allow to implement a graphical installer, too.
- The init script system was redesigned: more user-friendly error messages, now uses gettext for translations.
- Modularized Xorg 7.0, Apache 2.2.0, KDE 3.5.1, Firefox, Thunderbird 1.5
Por favor, leed el Stable ChangeLog for more information.
Download for i686: netinstall (19M), cd1 (490M), cd2 (604M), dvd (3.5G)
Download for x86_64: netinstall (19M), dvd (2.5G)
Torrents also available.
dfec06c393187037a362f4d2e57819c4e97e71dd frugalware-0.4-i686-cd1.iso
09c29ec582eadc02dee2be0fd1230cff8ec40695 frugalware-0.4-i686-cd2.iso
872912bc9f1caa46895247364bcf7538074f8238 frugalware-0.4-i686-dvd.iso
6a1a49985450d2cad8c8efb7f988c266a454f899 frugalware-0.4-i686-net.iso
81e79a3bbb9d327555d272d841e3d0fc0c784de7 frugalware-0.4-x86_64-dvd.iso
d4b39dbdc9bfadaf379bf7cc3662ce9d0b20a010 frugalware-0.4-x86_64-net.iso