Frugalware has a new planet

Traducciones: EN, FR

Frugalware’s planet - the web site which aggregates content from blogs - has moved from planetplanet software to bilboplanet. There were some issues with planetplanet and, after discussion amongst the development team, the change was done by Frugalware developer Devil505.

The rules state that only posts which are likely to be of interest to Frugalware’s users are to be included, so if you subscribe you can enjoy reading about the laughter and tears, hopes and fears, successes and failures which make the community so exciting. Of course if have a blog, please consider adding it to the planet. To do this, go to the planet’s home page and complete the subscription form.

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 69

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 69

Traducciones: EN, FR

The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware.

Features of this issue include:

  • Frugalware release party has been cancelled
  • Tips and tricks - Be bold and try a new font!
  • Focus On Package(s) - NetSurf and gbainy

You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 68

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 68

Traducciones: EN, FR

The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware.

Features of this issue include:

  • New Frugalware package contributor
  • Kernel 2.6.35
  • Tips and tricks - What’s contained in package X?
  • Focus on Package(s) - Googsystray and gst123

You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Frugalware 1.3rc2 (Haven) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 1.3rc2, the second candidate of the upcoming 1.3 stable release. Aquí tenéis algunos de las mejoras, correcciones y actualizaciones más importantes desde la 1.3rc1:

  • Improvements and fixes:
    • The included new Linux 2.6.35 kernel comes with various new drivers and features (summary).
    • Fixed the USB installer, the image we shipped in 1.3rc1 was missing a working bootloader on it.
    • Fixed the KDE artwork.
    • A candidate of the 1.2 to 1.3 upgrade guide is now available.
  • Paquetes actualizados:
    • Linux 2.6.35
    • Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8, Chromium 6.0.472.14 with vp8 support
    • Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.1
    • 429 package updates
    • 46 new packages

Por favor, leed el Haven ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.3rc1 (Haven) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 1.3rc1, the first candidate of the upcoming 1.3 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements and changes since 1.3pre2:

  • Improvements:
    • now uses udev to detect your hardware automatically, /etc/X11/xorg.conf is no longer generated by default.
    • Started integrating the Haven artwork.
  • Paquetes actualizados:
    • Linux
    • GNOME 2.30.2
    • KDE SC 4.4.5
    • Mozilla Firefox 3.6.6
    • Updated libraries: openssl-1.0.0, libburn-0.8, exiv2-0.20, ffmpeg-0.6.
    • 429 package updates
    • 46 new packages

Por favor, leed el Haven ChangeLog for more information.