Frugalware Newsletter Issue 60

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 60

Traducciones: EN, FR

The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware.

Features of this issue include:

  • Frugalware 1.3’s code-name is announced
  • New FrugalBuild contributors
  • Forums are back!
  • Frugalware’s users are people too! - Mickael Brangeon
  • FLOSS developers are people too! - Mitchell Foral

You can read it here. We hope you like it!

Getorin: End of life

Traducciones: EN, FR

With the release of Locris, the support for Getorin is discontinued. It is highly recommended to upgrade to our new stable release, as there will be no more security and bug fixes for Getorin.

We have released FSA617 to FSA636 for Getorin. That means 20 security problems were issued in half a year.

If you update to Locris, it will also fix the following vulnerability:

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 59

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 59

Traducciones: EN, FR

The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware.

Features of this issue include:

  • Jump for Frugalware
  • Frugalware’s developers are people too - Pingax
  • FLOSS developers are people too - Marc Kerbiquet
  • Tips and tricks - Search and replace text in multiple files

You can read it here. We hope you like it!

Frugalware 1.2 (Locris) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

Frugalware 1.2 Locris is released !

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 1.2, our twelfth stable release.

No se han añadido mejoras desde la 1.2rc2, but 62 problemas menores. Si no seguisteis los cambios durante la salida de la pre/rc, aquí tenéis algunos de los más importantes desde la 1.1 in no particular order:

  • Up to date packages: Linux kernel, GNU C library 2.11.1, Xorg 7.5, GNOME 2.28, KDE 4.3.5 to name a few major components.
  • KMS (Kernel Mode-Setting) is now enabled by default for Intel and Radeon cards.
  • PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) is now part of the base system.
  • Introduced devtmpfs: you can now exclude /dev from backups, along with /proc and /sys.
  • Removed several large games from the install images (CD/DVD) which means one less DVD or 4 less CDs.
  • We finally upgraded our KDE (and related) packages to the 4.x branch. The work started back in April 2009 and now we thought it’s a good move to merge that testing repository.
  • This release comes with Xorg 7.5, see the upstream list of new features.
  • We’ve updated our bluez userspace stack to the 4.x branch, which allowed us to improve both GNOME and KDE bluetooth support.

Por favor, leed el Locris ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 58

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 58

Traducciones: EN, FR

The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware.

Features of this issue include:

  • “Frugalware’s Gonna Git Ya”
  • Frugalware’s artists are people too - WebEagle
  • FLOSS developers are people too - Ali Abdallah
  • Got a problem? Ask your teddy bear!
  • Focus On Package(s) - Droid fonts set

You can read it here. We hope you like it!