Frugalware Newsletter Issue 38

Traducciones: EN, FR

The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware.

Features of this issue include:

  • Frugalware 1.0 pre2 is released
  • Elentir’s officially a developer!
  • Frugalware’s users are people too - juky
  • Focus On Package(s) - dkopp

You can read it here. We hope you like it!

Frugalware 1.0pre2 (Anacreon) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 1.0pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 1.0 stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 1.0pre1:

  • Improvements:
    • Setup: support for having /boot on a RAID1 device, improved support for detecting network card names.
    • Serial ports are now owned by the ‘dialout’ (instead of ‘uucp’) group, as a consensus with other distributions.
    • For virtualbox users who had to download the whole (~10MB) package again and again after each kernel update - it’s a good news that now the kernel module is a separate package to stop wasting bandwidth and time.
  • Paquetes actualizados:
    • Mono 2.0.1
    • Python 2.6.1
    • GNOME 2.24.2
    • More than 800 other package updates
    • More than 100 new packages

Por favor, leed el Anacreon ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 37

Traducciones: EN, FR

The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware.

Features of this issue include:

  • Happy New Year!
  • When is a Linux distribution like a cake?
  • Frugalware 1.0pre2 is almost here
  • Frugalware’s users are people too - emilpoe
  • Focus On Package(s) - Frozen Bubble

You can read it here. We hope you like it!

Happy New Year!

Traducciones: EN, FR

Frugalware New Year logo

The Frugalware team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. 2008 was a year of many major achievements, including new developers, new contributors, a GUI installer (fwife), more translations, and many new packages. We look forward to an equally successful 2009.

Happy New Year!

Traducciones: EN, FR

Frugalware New Year logo

The Frugalware team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. 2009 was a year of many major achievements, including new developers, new contributors, a GUI installer (fwife), more translations, and many new packages. We look forward to an equally successful 2010.