El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.9pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 0.9 stable release.
A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.8:
- Improvements:
- The network configuration utility now lists card details next to interface names, in case you would now know what is the interface name for your cards.
- The USB installer is now a plain image, you can copy it to your USB stick under any operating system (you needed a running Linux system to install the previous version).
- Changed the CHOST variable to $arch-frugalware-linux from a mix of $arch-pc-linux-gnu / $arch-unknown-linux, which generally causes more consistency and helps reporting bugs for upstream developers.
- Improved security and general user support. We work together with other Linux vendors to provide better security support, and now our forums are mirrored on a mailing list, so more developers can help you.
- More than 150 other minor features / bugs have been implemented / fixed resulting in more than 2400 changes since the last release.
- Paquetes actualizados:
- Linux 2.6.25 + security fixes
- GCC 4.3.0
- GNOME 2.22
- More than 900 other package updates
- New packages:
- About 40 new Java library
- Several new Drupal modules
- Many new octave modules.
- More than 150 other new packages
Por favor, leed el Testing ChangeLog for more information.