Frugalware 0.8 (Kalgan) for i686 released
El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.8, our eighth stable release.
No se han añadido mejoras desde la 0.8rc2, but more than 300 changes have been made to fix minor bugs. If you didn’t follow the changes during the pre/rc releases, here are the most important changes since 0.7:
- Up to date base system: Linux kernel, Glibc 2.7 and GCC 4.2.3
- Up to date desktop packages: KDE 3.5.9, GNOME 2.20, XFCE 4.4.2, 2.4rc2 (ooo-build 2.4.0) and Firefox
- Setup: WPA support, new supported language: Czech.
- New graphical tool: FUN (update notifier).
- 4068 changes, including 251 new packages, 1729 updated packages and 416 closed tasks.
Por favor, leed el Kalgan ChangeLog for more information.