Frugalware 0.6a (Terminus) for x86_64 released

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.6a for x86_64. This is a bug fix release to fix various issues that users have encountered with the x86_64 0.6 releases. These new ISOs contain all security fixes since the release of 0.6.

Please note that if you want to use i686, you should still use the original 0.6 ISOs. This release is for x86_64 only.

Yugo: new i686 buildserver

Traducciones: EN, FR

I’m pleased to announce our new i686 buildserver, called yugo.
The server is working well, you can see the syncpkgd results here.
I’d like to thank everyone who offered to donate!

Frugalware 0.7pre1 (Sayshell) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.7pre1, the first technical preview release of the upcoming 0.7 stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.6:

  • Improvements:
    • The package manager (pacman-g2) now supports checking the integrity of your database.
    • A LiveCD called FwLive is now available for this prerelease.
    • A new web interface has been added to help translating Frugalware. See the documentation for more information.
    • Support for XOrg 6.x has been dropped.
  • Setup:
    • New Romanian and Swedish translations.
    • The keyboard layouts are now sorted.
  • Paquetes actualizados:
    • Linux kernel 2.6.21
    • GCC 4.2.0
    • GNU C Library 2.6
    • Pidgin replaced Gaim, the external plugin packages have been updated accordingly.
    • A new XULRunner package has been added and all GNOME apps that have depended upon Firefox for HTML rendering have been rebuilt against XULRunner.
    • 2.2 + updated localizations + updated dictionaries
    • More than 100 new packages

Por favor, leed el Testing ChangeLog for more information.