Frugalware Newsletter Issue 1

Traducciones: EN, FR

The Frugalware Newsletter is a new fortnightly (Hopefully… ;-)) newsletter which aims to keep users up to date about what’s been going on in Frugalware development.

The first issue can be found here. We hope you like it!

Frugalware 0.6rc1 (Terminus) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.6rc1, the first release candidate of the upcoming 0.6 stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.6pre2:

  • Improvements:
    • Brand new GDM theme, which has many improvements over previous themes.
    • Many packages recompiled to take advantage of new features in Glibc 2.5 and GCC 4.1.
  • Paquetes actualizados:
    • GNOME 2.17.90 with several bug fixes and speed enhancements
    • XFCE 4.4 with many new features and numerous bug fixes
    • Beryl with many usablity, speed and reliability improvements
    • Added a package for VirtualBox, a free opensource virtualization program
    • Kernel 2.6.20 with KVM virtualization support and many speed enhancements
    • KDE 3.5.6
    • Wine 0.9.29 bringing stability improvements
    • 45 new packages: mythtv, kvm, xfburn, cdrkit and much more!

Por favor, leed el Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 0.6pre2 (Terminus) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.6pre2, the second technical preview release of the upcoming 0.6 stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.6pre1:

  • Nuevas mejoras in the installer:
    • Much improved error handling. A dialog box will be displayed in the unlikely event of a segmentation fault and the installer will exit, instead of just restarting from the beginning.
    • Use library calls to download the package database, which gives better error handling. If the database update fails, you will be told about it, instead of being given an empty category list.
    • There is now an option to go back to a previous step in the installer (where it makes sense).
    • CD/DVD installation is now faster: integrity and conflict checks are done before creating the installation images.
    • There is floppy image available now for tftp installs.
  • Improvements:
    • Added KDE support to fw-xgl-control and Beryl.
    • Gnome-mount, a replacement for pmount in GNOME resulting in more reliable and flexible automounting in GNOME.
  • Updates:
    • Linux Kernel 2.6.19
    • Added virt-manager and gnome-applet-vm packages as GUI tools for Xen
    • GNOME 2.17.3, with new features and bug fixes
    • Xfce 4.4 Release Candidate 2, with a lot of bug fixes
    • Beryl 0.1.3 with lots of new eye-candy effects
    • dhcpcd 3.0, resulting in more reliable network autoconfiguration
    • Curl 7.16.0
    • DBUS 1.0 with several improvements and fixes
    • HAL with new features and bug fixes

Por favor, leed el Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Big Fat Warning: nVidia package upgrade

Big Fat Warning: nVidia package upgrade

Traducciones: EN, FR

If you are using current and you have a GeForce 4 graphics card (this is a lot of laptops), please do not do a system upgrade until the nvidia-96xx package is available tomorrow. Once it is available, install it. The latest version of nvidia removes support for GeForce 4 cards.

As a side note, the Frugalware developer team would like to wish all our users a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!