Frugalware 0.5pre1 (Siwenna) for i686 released
El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.5pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 0.5 stable release for the i686 architecture.
A short and incomplete list of the more than 3000 changes since 0.4:
- GNU C Library 2.4
- GCC 4.1.0
- KDE 3.5.2
- More than 300 new packages
Nuevas mejoras:
- Created a new tool, called ‘setup’, to summarize the available configuration tools. (screenshot)
- Localized the package manager. (currently German and Hungarian language support available)
- Added Brazilian and Indonesian translation to the setup.
Known problems: