
Frugalware 1.6pre2 (Fermus) released

Frugalware 1.6pre2 (Fermus) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.6pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 1.6 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.6pre1:

  • Package updates:
    • Linux kernel 3.1
    • XOrg server 1.11.2
    • KDE SC 4.7.4
    • Firefox 8.0.1
    • Chromium 16.0.912.63
    • Blender 2.60
    • 1.1.0 release of the core EFL component
  • New features:
    • All services used by the default installation now have native systemd units
    • Installer images now use isohybrid on x86, separate USB images no longer provided.
    • Chrony is now the default NTP client.
    • /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab now contains UUID’s on new installs

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.6pre1 (Fermus) released

Frugalware 1.6pre1 (Fermus) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.6pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 1.6 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.5:

  • Package updates:
    • Linux kernel 3.0
    • GNU C Library 2.14
    • GCC 4.6
    • GNOME 3.2
    • KDE SC 4.7
    • Perl 5.14
  • New features:
    • rsyslog is the new default syslog daemon
    • udisks replaced hal in the default installation
    • The fw32 package replaced the emul-extra group, bringing seamless integration for e.g. Skype on x86_64.
    • kernels are now built with an initrd. be sure to update your boot config to use the initrd at /boot/initrd.img.xz.

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.5rc2 (Mores) released

Frugalware 1.5rc2 (Mores) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.5rc2, the second candidate of the upcoming 1.5 stable release. Here are some of the improvements, fixes and updates since 1.5rc1:

  • Package updates:
    • Linux Kernel
    • XOrg server 1.10.3
    • LXDE updated (lxsession-lite-0.4.6,lxpanel-0.5.7,lxlauncher-0.2.2,lxterminal-0.1.10…)
    • 1.0.1 release of the core EFL libraries
    • Mozilla Firefox 5.0.1
    • 245 packages updated
    • 20 new packages
  • New features:
    • Our Vim package gained Python support.

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.5rc1 (Mores) released

Frugalware 1.5rc1 (Mores) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.5rc1, the first candidate of the upcoming 1.5 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.5pre2:

  • Package updates:
    • KDE 4.6.5
    • Mozilla Firefox 5.0
    • LibreOffice 3.4.1
    • FFmpeg 0.8
  • New features:
    • The setuptools Python package is now replaced by distribute.
    • Our gdb package gained Python support.

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.5pre2 (Mores) released

Frugalware 1.5pre2 (Mores) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.5pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 1.5 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.5pre1:

  • Package updates:
    • Linux kernel 2.6.39
    • LibreOffice 3.4
    • KDE 4.6.4
  • New features:
    • The boot splash is now provided by plymouth.
    • i686 and x86_64 kernels can now boot from EFI. (However, the bootloader is not yet installable from setup.)
    • In addition to EFI support, GPT partition tables are now enabled. gptfdisk is the recommended partitioner for this.

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.5pre1 (Mores) released

Frugalware 1.5pre1 (Mores) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.5pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 1.5 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.4:

  • Package updates:
    • Linux kernel 2.6.38
    • Gnome 3.0
    • KDE 4.6
    • Firefox 4.0
    • XFCE 4.8 with some bug fix releases (4.8.1), see here the details brought by this version.
    • 1.0 release of the core EFL libraries (details)
  • New features:
    • systemd is now the default init system
    • Initial ARM port
    • XFCE now has lcdfilter for fonts like GNOME
    • Full package archive is now available on DVD only, instead we offer a smaller (~200MB-sized) CD for installing a base-only system.

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.4rc2 (Nexon) released

Frugalware 1.4rc2 (Nexon) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.4rc2, the second candidate of the upcoming 1.4 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.4rc1:

  • Package updates:
  • Linux 2.6.37 + fixes
  • KDE SC 4.5
  • Drupal 7 obsoletes Drupal 5. If a drupal-5 package has its own drupal-6 counterpart (eg. drupal-cck), then the drupal-6 one (drupal6-cck) replaces the old one automatically. If a drupal-5 package DOES NOT have its own drupal6 counterpart, then the drupal6 package replaces it - sorry for the inconvenience, those drupal-5 bastards are not even supported by upstream.
  • systemd v16 - and 5 more packages now support systemd using native unit files
  • Fixes:
  • The CD/DVD installer can perform fully offline installation again.
  • Various user interface fixes (missing icons in desktop files, etc.)
  • Missing koffice localization packages are back (they were missing since the integration of KDE4).

Please refer to the Frugalware Nexon ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.4rc1 (Nexon) released

Frugalware 1.4rc1 (Nexon) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.4rc1, the first candidate of the upcoming 1.4 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.4pre2:

  • Package updates:
  • Linux
  • Firefox 3.6.13, Chromium 10.0.616.0
  • Midnight Commander 4.7.5
  • New Features:
  • New LCD font rendering available in GNOME. If you use digital video output, this will improve font appearance.
  • OSSv4 has been added. Feel free to try it out if you have issues with ALSA.
  • systemd is now available as an alternative of sysvinit (see its wiki page for more info).

Please refer to the Frugalware Nexon ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.4pre2 (Nexon) released

Frugalware 1.4pre2 (Nexon) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.4pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 1.4 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.4pre1:

  • Package updates:
  • Linux 2.6.36
  • Firefox 3.6.12, Chromium 8.0.552.215
  • Glasgow Haskell Compiler 7.0
  • New Features:

  • netconfig now supports mobile 3g connections though wvdial

  • Booting from virtio devices is now supported, as long as you use a separate /boot partition. (see here for details)

Frugalware 1.4pre1 (Nexon) released

Frugalware 1.4pre1 (Nexon) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.4pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 1.4 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.3:

  • teTeX has been replaced by the TeX Live distribution.
  • The default Java browser plugin is now provided by OpenJRE instead of the Sun binary.
  • This release ships with GNOME 2.32.
  • Python has been upgraded to 2.7.
  • Nearly 1000 package updates
  • More than 100 new packages

Please refer to the Frugalware Nexon ChangeLog for more information.