Frugalware 0.6pre1 (Terminus) disponible
El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.6pre1, the first technical preview release of the upcoming 0.6 stable release.
A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.5:
- Nuevas mejoras:
- All installed-by-default packages are now built using gcj/ecj, javac is only provided as an alternate compiler.
- Installing from a USB stick is now supported.
- Added PHP documentation for 23 languages.
- Updates:
- Linux 2.6.18 with a much improved SATA layer and a few new drivers
- GNU C Library 2.5 with support for the new ELF hash table format
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0 with improved tabbed browsing and inline spell checking
- Xfce 4.4rc1: This fixes all plugin crash problems with the old Xfce 4.2.x and the new version is much more stable.
- KDE 3.5.5 with KHTML improvements, and support for sudo in kdesu
- 2.0.4 with a latex export filter and encryption support in the pdf export filter
- D-Bus 0.93 with many memleaks and bugs fixed
- neon 0.26.1 with internationalization support
- Xen 3.0.3 with HVM and XenFB support; Xen kernels upgraded to 2.6.18
- db 4.5.20 with Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) support
- Python 2.5 with an interesting mix of language and library improvements
- GNOME 2.17.1 with various bugfixes and new features
- Binutils - this allows us to use the new ELF hash table format which is now enabled by default in our build system. This will cause a considerable performance increase in newly built packages.
Por favor, leed el Testing ChangeLog for more information.