Frugalware 0.1 released
The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 0.1, our first stable release.
A short list of improvements and fixed bugs since rc2:* improvements:
+ added support for using a separate /boot partition
+ moved all removable media entries from /mnt to /media
+ updated kde to 3.3.1
new packages:
- strace
- openbox, obconf, and their dependencies
- irssi
- lmsensors
- nano
- hunspell
- screen
- centericq
- got xdm to work
- fixed cleaning up cache when only the first cd used
- added support for displaying detailed information about MS partitions
- now short descriptions are available for packages
- support for usb keyboards
Please refer to the Frugalware Change Log for more information.
Frugalware 0.1 can be downloaded by visiting the download page.