
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 65

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 65

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Hola! ¿Habla usted español? fwife becomes more beautiful Tips and tricks - Display package updates with Conky and “Look out! There’s a monster behind you!” Focus on Package(s) - GNOME Media Player You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 64

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 64

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Artwork for Frugalware 1.3 progresses Tips and tricks - pacman-g2’s “upgradedelay” parameter Focus On Package(s) - cdw and GNOME Log Viewer You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 63

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 63

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Frugalware 1.3 pre1 released Package compression is improved Frugalware’s users are people too - Lenezir Focus On Package(s) - Textadept You can read it here. We hope you like it!
Frugalware 1.3pre1 (Haven) released

Frugalware 1.3pre1 (Haven) released

Translations: FR, ES
The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.3pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 1.3 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements and changes since 1.2: Improvements: For the first time in the history of Frugalware Linux, we’re offering an official graphical netinstall image, search for the “-gui” suffix on the ftp mirrors. This time we’ve verified that no workaround is needed to install this release in VMware and because of this, the relevant note is removed from the documentation.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 62

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 62

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: WHYAFD! (Woo hoo! Yet another Frugalware developer) Frugalware French community like PluXml FLOSS developers are people too - Marc Lentz How to install many packages in one command You can read it here. We hope you like it!
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 61

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 61

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: GNOME 2.30 is available in ‘current’ The battle of the game packagers has begun! Tips and tricks - Tell me when you’re finished Frugalware’s users are people too! - Fred Bezies You can read it here. We hope you like it!
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 60

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 60

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Frugalware 1.3’s code-name is announced New FrugalBuild contributors Forums are back! Frugalware’s users are people too! - Mickael Brangeon FLOSS developers are people too! - Mitchell Foral You can read it here. We hope you like it!
Getorin: End of life

Getorin: End of life

Translations: FR, ES
With the release of Locris, the support for Getorin is discontinued. It is highly recommended to upgrade to our new stable release, as there will be no more security and bug fixes for Getorin. We have released FSA617 to FSA636 for Getorin. That means 20 security problems were issued in half a year. If you update to Locris, it will also fix the following vulnerability: #4054 - firefox
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 59

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 59

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Jump for Frugalware Frugalware’s developers are people too - Pingax FLOSS developers are people too - Marc Kerbiquet Tips and tricks - Search and replace text in multiple files You can read it here. We hope you like it!

Frugalware 1.2 (Locris) released

Translations: FR, ES
The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.2, our twelfth stable release. No new features have been added since 1.2rc2, but 62 changes have been made to fix minor bugs. If you didn’t follow the changes during the pre/rc releases, here are the most important changes since 1.1 in no particular order: Up to date packages: Linux kernel, GNU C library 2.11.1, Xorg 7.