
Kernel update in -current: WARNING for Intel users with IDE controllers

Translations: FR, ES
As of kernel-2.6.22-6 in Frugalware-current, Intel users will have /dev/sd* devices rather than /dev/hd* ones. The reason is the following: It was not possible to boot the kernel on some machines without this change. See this bugreport for more details. So after upgrading using pacman -Syu, you need to: Check if you have an Intel IDE controller using sudo lspci |grep -i intel.*ide. If you got no result then probably you’re not affected.
Live CD need testers!

Live CD need testers!

Translations: FR, ES
Our live-cd will be back soon since Baste has taken over as maintainer of the project Fwlive. Some ISO images are available here. We are looking for testers. These ISO images are still beta and only in English and French. Please report bugs, feedback and requests to Baste on #frugalware IRC channel or the Bug Tracker System.
nouveau and nvidia in -current

nouveau and nvidia in -current

Translations: FR, ES
With the kernel 2.6.33, we enabled nouveau kernel module. For those who have problem using it or want to use nvidia, you may be unhappy to see that nvidia doesn’t work any more. There are 2 ways to make it working again: Add nouveau to your /etc/sysconfig/blacklist file (seems to be the simplest and more secure way) Or happen the following kernel options in your grub configuration: nouveau.modeset=0 Then make a happy reboot.

Offical Forum

Translations: FR, ES
Hi all! So, at last we made it! Our new forum can be reached here:! Any problems can be reported at: or at the “About the forum” topic. Shrift
Pacman-g2 upgrade

Pacman-g2 upgrade

Translations: FR, ES
Pacman-g2 was upgraded to version 3.8.3 bringing some nice features. Frugalware current users must do pacman -Sy pacman-g2 before upgrading their system (pacman -Syu). As you can see, the frugalware-current database must be synchronized again after pacman-g2 upgrade.
The Seldon Plan #2

The Seldon Plan #2

Translations: FR, ES
The Seldon Plan issue 2 out now! In this issue : News FlightGear 2.6 0.A.D Alpha 9 Crosswords :) And more! Download (english version PDF)
Upgrade to the new type of nvidia package

Upgrade to the new type of nvidia package

Translations: FR, ES
It was a trouble for several users to upgrade the old nvidia package (locally-compiled at install) to the new, binary one. Here is the solution (provided that the database and the other packages are up-to-date): pacman -Sfd nvidia --noconfirm (No, it does not mean that we dislike the Software Freedom Day…)