
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Translations: FR, ES
The Frugalware team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Building on the achievements of 2009, 2010 was a very successful year. Frugalware featured upgrades to the Linux kernel, GNOME desktop, KDE desktop, and other major packages. Current developers and contributors continued their great work and we welcomed several new developers and contributors. 2011 is almost certain to be an exciting year, so let’s get started!
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Translations: FR, ES
Merry Christmas to everyone in the Frugalware community. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas as a Christian festival, it’s a good time to reflect on your achievements and plan for the year ahead. 2010 has been an interesting, exciting and productive year for Frugalware Linux. Events have included many new developers and contributors. Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to our success, including: developers, contributors, translators, artists, bloggers, those who reported bugs and everyone who participated in the mailing lists and forums.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 74

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 74

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Frugalware 1.4 pre-release 2 is available systemd is to be the new init system Xfce 4.8 is on its way Frugalware’s users are people too! - Melko Tips and tricks - Colour your ‘man’ output You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Frugalware 1.4pre2 (Nexon) released

Frugalware 1.4pre2 (Nexon) released

Translations: FR, ES
The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.4pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 1.4 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.4pre1: Package updates: Linux 2.6.36 Firefox 3.6.12, Chromium 8.0.552.215 Glasgow Haskell Compiler 7.0 New Features: netconfig now supports mobile 3g connections though wvdial Booting from virtio devices is now supported, as long as you use a separate /boot partition.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 73

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 73

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Frugalware 1.4 pre1 has been released We need you on the artwork team WHYANFC! (Woo hoo, yet another new Frugalware contributor!) “Best of” Tips and tricks" You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Frugalware 1.4pre1 (Nexon) released

Frugalware 1.4pre1 (Nexon) released

Translations: FR, ES
The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.4pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 1.4 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.3: teTeX has been replaced by the TeX Live distribution. The default Java browser plugin is now provided by OpenJRE instead of the Sun binary. This release ships with GNOME 2.32. Python has been upgraded to 2.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 72

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 72

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: kikadf is officially a Frugalware developer Botchchikii submits more FrugalBuilds Tips and tricks - Adding a custom Frugalware repository to pacman-g2’s configuration Focus On Package(s) - QTM and cclive You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 71

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 71

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Frugalware 1.4 code-name ‘Nexon’ Helicon is alive again! Botchchikii’s first Frugalbuild Pingax delivers more FrugalBuilds Tips and tricks - tar and xz You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Frugalware Newsletter Issue 70

Frugalware Newsletter Issue 70

Translations: FR, ES
The newsletter’s aim is to keep you up to date with what’s happened recently in the world of Frugalware. Features of this issue include: Frugalware 1.3 released bouleetbil - is there only one? New contributor - Xarkam How to make a feature request Focus On Package(s) - Talika and etckeeper You can read it here. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Locris: End of life

Locris: End of life

Translations: FR, ES
With the release of Haven, the support for Locris is discontinued. It is highly recommended to upgrade to our new stable release, as there will be no more security and bug fixes for Locris. We have released FSA637 to FSA691 for Getorin. That means 55 security problems were fixed in half a year. If you update to Haven, it will also fix the following vulnerability: #4292 - clamav