Frugalware is a general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users (who are not afraid of text mode).

We try to make Frugalware as simple as possible while not forgetting to keep it comfortable for the user. We try to ship fresh and stable software, as close to the original source as possible, because in our opinion most software is the best as is, and doesn’t need patching.

New functions on webpage

Translations: FR, ES

Two new functions are available on our webpage: the roadmap, where you can find our releasing cycle, and the wishlist/todolist, where you can ask for your favourite program or see the list, what do we have to do.

Frugalware 0.1 released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 0.1, our first stable release.

A short list of improvements and fixed bugs since rc2:* improvements:

+ added support for using a separate /boot partition
+ moved all removable media entries from /mnt to /media
+ updated kde to 3.3.1
  • new packages:

    • strace
    • openbox, obconf, and their dependencies
    • irssi
    • lmsensors
    • nano
    • hunspell
    • screen
    • centericq
  • fixes:

    • got xdm to work
  • setup:

Frugalware 0.1rc2 released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 0.1rc2, the second release candidate of the 0.1 release.

For a list of improvements and fixed bugs since rc1, please refer to the Frugalware Change Log.

Frugalware 0.1rc2 can be downloaded by visiting the download page.

Frugalware 0.1rc1 released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 0.1rc1, the first release candidate of the 0.1 release.

For a list of improvements since the beginning, please refer to the Frugalware Change Log.

Frugalware 0.1rc1 can be downloaded by visiting the download page.