Frugalware is a general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users (who are not afraid of text mode).
We try to make Frugalware as simple as possible while not forgetting to keep it comfortable for the user. We try to ship fresh and stable software, as close to the original source as possible, because in our opinion most software is the best as is, and doesn’t need patching.
Princeton University Mathematics Department

nouveau and nvidia in -current
With the kernel 2.6.33, we enabled nouveau kernel module. For those who have problem using it or want to use nvidia, you may be unhappy to see that nvidia doesn’t work any more. There are 2 ways to make it working again:
- Add nouveau to your /etc/sysconfig/blacklist file (seems to be the simplest and more secure way)
- Or happen the following kernel options in your grub configuration: nouveau.modeset=0
Then make a happy reboot.