Frugalware is a general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users (who are not afraid of text mode).

We try to make Frugalware as simple as possible while not forgetting to keep it comfortable for the user. We try to ship fresh and stable software, as close to the original source as possible, because in our opinion most software is the best as is, and doesn’t need patching.

Frugalware 1.7rc1 (Gaia) released

Frugalware 1.7rc1 (Gaia) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.7rc1, the first candidate of the upcoming 1.7 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.7pre2:

  • Package updates:
    • Kernel 3.4.4
    • GCC 4.7.1
    • KDE 4.8.4
  • New features:
    • installer now supports btrfs as an experimental feature
    • installer now supports jfs
    • grubconfig (our frontend to grub2 installation) can now install to itself to RAID1 mdadm and raw drives with a single option

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.7pre2 (Gaia) released

Frugalware 1.7pre2 (Gaia) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.7pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 1.7 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.7pre1:

  • Package updates:
    • Kernel 3.4.0
    • GCC 4.7.0
    • GNOME 3.4.2
    • KDE 4.8.2
    • XFCE 4.10
    • Firefox 12, Thunderbird 12, Gimp 2.8
  • New features:
    • LightDM has replaced SLiM as default display manager for XFCE
    • New default wallpaper

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 1.7pre1 (Gaia) released

Frugalware 1.7pre1 (Gaia) released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.7pre1, the first technical preview of the upcoming 1.7 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.6:

  • Package updates:
    • Kernel 3.3
    • KDE 4.8.1
    • LibreOffice 3.5.1
    • Firefox 11.0, Thunderbird 11.0, Seamonkey 2.8
  • New features:
    • Kernel modules are now compressed with XZ
    • GRUB2 has replaced GRUB1
    • Text installer can now install to GPT labels
    • pm-radeon for setting radeon KMS power management at startup
    • phc package family brings experimental CPU undervolting

Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information.

powerpc (ppc) arch powering down

powerpc (ppc) arch powering down

Translations: FR, ES

This architecture has been removed and will no longer be supported. We lost our buildserver for it and no longer

possess the means to support it, as no developers are left to care for it as well. So, powerpc is being powered down.

If you possess such hardware, we are sorry, but there is no other choice for us. x86/x86_64 support will continue to be

supported indefinitely, as they are much easier to support. Please join us there if you can.

The Seldon Plan #1

The Seldon Plan #1

Translations: FR, ES

The Seldon Plan is the fresh new magazine of Frugalware community users replacing the legacy newsletter.

  • In this issue :
    • Frugalware 1.6 Fermus released
    • last Minute news
    • GNOME 3.4 beta tested
    • Crosswords :)
    • Desktop screenshots of users

Download (english version PDF)

GRUB2 upgrade in current

GRUB2 upgrade in current

Translations: FR, ES

The upgrade to GRUB2 has been merged into current recently. This upgrade will not automatically break your system,

because it must be done manually by the user. GRUB1 will no longer be supported from now on, so you should proceed

with the upgrade as instructed here.

systemd in current

systemd in current

Translations: FR, ES

There has been an update to current in regards to systemd. During testing, there was discovered to be some issues with reboots and shutdowns appearing to ‘hang’.

Further inspection revealed that the behavior was caused by display-manager.service refusing to shutdown in a timely manner, by systemd’s definition. The process

still works out in the end, provided you wait long enough for the effected service to be forced to terminate by timeout. This is a public announcement, in the