Frugalware 1.6 (Fermus) released
The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.6, our sixteenth stable release.
No new features have been added since 1.6rc2, but 93 changes have been made to fix minor bugs. If you didn’t follow the changes during the pre/rc releases, here are the most important changes since 1.5 in no particular order:
- Updated packages: Linux kernel 3.1.10, XOrg server 1.11.2, GNOME 3.2, KDE SC 4.7, LibreOffice, Mozilla Firefox 10.0 to name a few major components.
- i686 and x86_64 ISOs are now hybrid. We no longer build separate USB images for these arches.
- cpupower can be used to configure your CPU power management, and is now our recommended method for doing so.
- UEFI/EFI support has been removed from i686. This is because it is rare on i686.
- UUIDs are now used by the installer when generating the /etc/fstab for new installs.
- fw32, which maintains an i686 chroot on x86_64, is now more mature and usable. If you find it lacking, make a request.
- HAL has been deprecated in favor of udisks
- i686 and x86_64 now use an initrd. See installation documentation for instructions on how to properly upgrade this.
- Cinnamon desktop is included now.
- fwlive is more mature and usable now.
Please refer to the Frugalware Fermus ChangeLog for more information.