Frugalware 0.5 (Siwenna) for i686 and x86_64 released
El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.5, our fifth stable release.
A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.5rc2:
- Linux
- We are proud to be one of the first distributions that ship the stable GNOME 2.16
- 20 new packages
If you didn’t follow the changes during the pre/rc releases, here are the most important changes since 0.4:
- Up-to-date packages: GNU C Library 2.4, GCC 4.1.1, KDE 3.5.4, XOrg 7.1, 2.0.3 (a native version for x86_64 users, too)
- Security support: as of Frugalware-0.5, security support is provided until the release of the stable Frugalware-0.6. The -stable updates are only security fixes and bugfixes, no new features are added.
- Created a new tool called ‘setup’ to collect the available configuration tools.
- Localized the package manager (French, German and Hungarian translations are available)
- Switched from bootsplash to splashy, so that the splash can be used with any custom vanilla kernel, too.
- Installer improvements: Added wireless support, support for detecting other distributions and other operating systems, utf8-specific updates, all packages are available on CDs.
- fw-xgl-control: Easily enables/disables Xgl on your system with one simple command.
- fwmirror: A new tool to help mirroring Frugalware.
Por favor, leed el 0.5 ChangeLog for more information.