Frugalware 0.5 (Siwenna) for i686 and x86_64 released

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.5, our fifth stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.5rc2:

  • Linux
  • We are proud to be one of the first distributions that ship the stable GNOME 2.16
  • 20 new packages

If you didn’t follow the changes during the pre/rc releases, here are the most important changes since 0.4:

  • Up-to-date packages: GNU C Library 2.4, GCC 4.1.1, KDE 3.5.4, XOrg 7.1, 2.0.3 (a native version for x86_64 users, too)
  • Security support: as of Frugalware-0.5, security support is provided until the release of the stable Frugalware-0.6. The -stable updates are only security fixes and bugfixes, no new features are added.
  • Created a new tool called ‘setup’ to collect the available configuration tools.
  • Localized the package manager (French, German and Hungarian translations are available)
  • Switched from bootsplash to splashy, so that the splash can be used with any custom vanilla kernel, too.
  • Installer improvements: Added wireless support, support for detecting other distributions and other operating systems, utf8-specific updates, all packages are available on CDs.
  • fw-xgl-control: Easily enables/disables Xgl on your system with one simple command.
  • fwmirror: A new tool to help mirroring Frugalware.

Por favor, leed el 0.5 ChangeLog for more information.

Upgrade to the new type of nvidia package

Upgrade to the new type of nvidia package

Traducciones: EN, FR

It was a trouble for several users to upgrade the old nvidia package (locally-compiled at install) to the new, binary one. Here is the solution (provided that the database and the other packages are up-to-date):

pacman -Sfd nvidia --noconfirm

(No, it does not mean that we dislike the Software Freedom Day…)

Frugalware 0.5rc2 (Siwenna) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.5rc2, the second release candidate of the upcoming 0.5 stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.5rc1:

  • Updated GNOME to 2.16 Release Candidate (2.15.92)
  • ~300 bugfixes
  • Updated KDE and GRUB artwork
  • More than 30 new packages: ntfs-3g, avifile, gnome-sharp and much more!

Por favor, leed el Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Download for i686:

Frugalware 0.5rc1 (Siwenna) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.5rc1, the fist release candidate of the upcoming 0.5 stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.5pre2:

  • Updates:
    • Linux
    • KDE 3.5.4
    • Firefox
    • Thunderbird
    • Gnome 2.16 Beta 2 (2.15.91)
  • Nuevas mejoras:
    • Splitted the MySQL, PostgreSQL, Samba and LDAP packages so that having these servers installed is no longer forced on a desktop machine
    • fwmirror: A new tool to help mirroring Frugalware
    • fw-xgl-control: Easily enables/disables Xgl on your system with one simple command
    • Homepage: improved the binary packages page - now you can browse by categories and view reverse dependencies
    • Added a workaround for nVidia cards in Xorg 7.1
    • New 0.5 artwork (except KDE)
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed handling of the dependencies of the language packs
    • Fixed netinstall when using PPPoE connection
    • Burning the first DVD iso no longer requires any overburn options

Por favor, leed el Testing ChangeLog for more information.

Frugalware 0.5pre2 (Siwenna) disponible

Traducciones: EN, FR

El Equipo de Desarrolladore de Frugalware tiene el placer de anunciar la disponiblidad de Frugalware 0.5pre2, the second technical preview of the upcoming 0.5 stable release.

A short and incomplete list of changes since 0.5pre1:

  • Updates:

    • Linux 2.6.17 (+ security patches)
    • GCC 4.1.1
    • Apache 2.2.3
    • XOrg 7.1 (updated the fglrx driver accordingly, nVIDIA still doesn’t work)
    • GNOME 2.16 Beta 1 (there may be some problems with some Gnome and GTK software - see earlier news posts)
    • 2.0.3 (this time a native version is available for x86_64 users, too)
  • Nuevas mejoras: