Frugalware is a general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users (who are not afraid of text mode).

We try to make Frugalware as simple as possible while not forgetting to keep it comfortable for the user. We try to ship fresh and stable software, as close to the original source as possible, because in our opinion most software is the best as is, and doesn’t need patching.

KDE 3.4.0 packages are on mirrors

Translations: FR, ES

KDE 3.4.0 packages are ready!

You can read the announcement here.

You can read about the new features here.

Packaging changes since 3.3.2:

  • Changing groups: If you want to install only the core kde packages, use ‘pacman -S kde-core’, if you want additional packages (k3b, krusader, etc) use ‘pacman -S kde’.
  • kde-i18n packages are in the ’extra/locale’ group.

New packages:

kde-i18n-br, kde-i18n-fy, kde-i18n-ga, kde-i18n-lt, kde-i18n-mk, kde-i18n-se

Removed packages:

kde-i18n-af, kde-i18n-el, kde-i18n-fa, kde-i18n-gl, kde-i18n-hr, kde-i18n-mn, kde-i18n-ms, kde-i18n-uz, kde-i18n-zh_TW

GNOME 2.10.0 is in -current

Translations: FR, ES

If everything goes fine tomorrow GNOME 2.10.0 will be on mirrors.

Official release notes:

These are untested and need to review or update:

  • GNOME bindings.
  • Mono.
  • Some packages in extra/gnome.

Packaging changes from 2.8:

  • Prefix is /usr.
  • Added groups() directive where it was missed.

New packages:

  • gnome-backgrounds
  • gnome-doc-utils
  • gnome-menus
  • gnome-pilot-conduits
  • libcroco

Removed packages (go to pasture):

  • at-spi
  • gnome-mag
  • gnome-speech
  • gnopernicus
  • gok
  • nautilus-media

Not packaged packages:

  • sound-juicer (I think goobox is better grabber application)

Known “bugs” / need to fix:

Frugalware 0.2pre2 released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 0.2pre2, the second preview of the upcoming 0.2 stable release.

A short list of most important improvements and fixed bugs since 0.2pre1:* new packages:

+ 1.1.4 + language packs
+ frugalpkg (Graphical frontend to pacman)
+ gnomebaker (CD/DVD Burner for GNOME)
+ fglrx (Hardware Accelerated ATI driver for xorg)
+ wireless\_tools (including iwconfig)
+ audacity
+ fontforge
+ krusader
+ qemu (A fast processor emulator)
+ rpm
  • updates: in Frugalware

Translations: FR, ES

We have good news to our users: the package is ready to use. This package was made from the Ximian The main package is the “” what contains the user interface and also the dictionary, the hyphenation and the thesaurus in English.

The languaga packs are called “” (where xx is the small country code, eg: hu, de, fr) and contains the dictionaries, the hyphenations and the thesaurus in te given language.

Irc web interface and logs

Translations: FR, ES

We have good news to that users, who cannot join our irc server: we have a web interface to our irc channel. You can join the channel on this address. You can also find here the channel log.

Forum and coming new functions

Translations: FR, ES

We are pleased to inform our Hungarian users that the HUP (Hungarian Unix Portal) made a complete forum for us, which is available here.

In the near future two new things will be available in our webpage: the Wiki page and our Forum.

Besides these things, the Frugalware will widen with the slovak language. The Frugalware User Documentation is ready (can be read here) in slovak language, the translation of the setup and the init system is going on now.

Frugalware 0.2pre1 released

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 0.2pre1, the first preview of the upcoming 0.2 stable release.

A short list of most important improvements and fixed bugs since 0.1:* new packages:

+ GNOME 2.8 (including GDM)
+ Xfce 4.2rc3
+ Firefox 1.0 language packs
+ Thunderbird 1.0
+ tetex-bin, tetex-base and kile
+ wine
+ reiser4progs
+ fluxbox
  • updates:

    • updated KDE to 3.3.2 (+ security fixes)
    • KOffice updated to 1.3.5
    • kernel updated to 2.6.10 (+ security fixes)
    • blender updated to 2.36
    • Firefox updated to 1.0
    • new bootsplash theme
    • GTK+2 updated to 2.6.1
    • GCC updated to 3.4.3
  • fixes:

XFce is in -current, Firefox locale packages, too

Translations: FR, ES

The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the long-time expected Xfce4 window manager and the xfce4-goodies package. Besides new language packages are available to the firefox browser.

Install method:

  • Syncronizing package database: pacman -Sy
  • installing Xfce4: pacman -S xfce4
  • installing xfce4-goodies: pacman -S xfce4-goodies
  • installing firefox language packages: pacman -S firefox-$lang (where $lang is the two-letter language code, like: hu, de, fr)

Planned downtime

Translations: FR, ES

Today, approximately between 17-18h (CET), will be unavailable. This affects all (www, ftp, rsync, mailman) services, except dns. Thank for your understanding.